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Monday, April 18, 2011


Today was our scheduled IUI, so I didnt go to the gym and instead decided to take it easy this morning. I slept in, and when Kevin went to work, I made homemade sugar cookies!

I tried icing them with Betty Crocker cookie icing, but I didnt like the way they were looking, so I will be picking up some wilton cookie icing tomorrow. They taste a little more flour-y than I would like, but overall not bad for my first time making them from scratch!!
Anyway, once Kevin got home, I got ready for our appointment and he did his *um* part for the IUI. Thankfully the procedure went as planned, and my cervix cooperated. However, I'm not sure we hit my ovulation time, as I was supposed to ovulate around today, but I havent noticed any ovulation signs. I hope it comes within 24 hours, if not Kevin and I have decided to continue trying next month, even though he will miss the birth. This saddens me (I really want him there), but he wants to be a dad so we are going to keep trying! Besides, I'm thankful for things like skype, so he may not be here physically, but he will still "be" there, ya know?
After the appointment, we dropped by the Education office for Kevin, then continued our search for a new mattress. The furniture store on post didnt have any good ones :( We also went to the travel office to try and get our hotel deposit--well what we thought was a deposit--back because we will no longer be going on our vacation. Its almost 2 months in advance that we are notifying them, and the travel office says we cant get our money back!!! At all!!! This pisses me off because why the hell should they get over a hundred bucks when we arent going to even set foot on their property??? The travel office lady told us that they charge for the first night whether we end up staying or not. This doesnt make sense to me and I will be calling KMC tomorrow to get our money back.
Its been a long and exciting day, but hopefully good things will come. We are starting the "2 week wait" to see if the IUI worked. The doctor said I could resume normal gym activity, so tomorrow I am going to Zumba :) Good night folks!!

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